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Thirteen Ways to Raise a Nonreader

I saw this wonderful list on a bulletin board at my daughter's school. (Mirrored here in case it moves again.) My favorites from the 13:

  1. Schedule activities every day after school so your child will never be bored.

  2. Don't expect your children to enjoy reading. Children's books are for teaching vocabulary, proper study habits and good morals.

  3. Make sure your kids only read books that are "challenging." Easy books are a complete waste of time. That goes double for comic books and Mad magazine.

  4. Absolutely, positively no reading in bed.
I took #13 to heart right away and put in reading lamps on the girls' new bunk beds. I changed the "lights out" rule so if they're in bed by bedtime with no fuss, they can read for a while. So far it's worked like a charm and when I check on them half an hour later they've turned off their own lights and gone to sleep.

The "13 ways" list comes from the children's lit journal Horn Book. They also publish several lists of recommended children's books suitable for printing and bringing along to the library.

books 2003.05.20 link