Prentiss Riddle: Chuckles

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Kamkissies, Los Allamost and Colonel Mustard

This semester's student bloopers from Doug Dinwiddie of NMSU-C:

After the Munich conference, Hitler took over the part of Czechoslovakia known as Scotland. Later, Hitler joined the Berlin-Romeo-Tokyo Axis. Then Hitler became the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Stalin the leader of Italy, and Hitler the leader of the Soviet Union. Of course, about this time Vicoloni (?) became the leader of Italy also. The war with Japan began when a ship called Pearl Harbor had a big bomb on it. Shortly thereafter, the 200th Coast Artillery was sent off to Florida to attack Japan. The US had a lot of trouble with Japanese suicide planes called Kamkissies. Shortly, the US was able to build the atomic bomb at Los Allomost. Soon, we Americans were putting ourselves on peddle stools. In more recent times, the Texas School Book Depository building became well known because that was the place that Nixon would go to read books after he was impeached.

Now a look at history a little farther back: The USS Maine was a ship that just blew up at the wrong time [What is the right time for a ship to blow up, I wonder?] Apparently the Maine was blown up by Portugal [Gee, I guess that's why we call the war that resulted the Spanish-American War]. Before that the Army had a setback when the Ghost Shirts helped the Indians to defeat Colonel Mustard at the Battle of Little Big Horn. [I wonder if the Indians used the candlestick in the ballroom, or the rope in the study?]

In European history, Isaac Newton became famous for performing an experience. Newton was a math person that wanted problems for everything. Queen Elizabeth became the King and Queen of England. Catherine the Great slept around a lot, and then she died. But at least she won a lot of brattles with other countries. The philosopher Voltaire called the Pope a freud. An finally, the large stone heads of the Mexican Olmec culture are recognizable by their broad noises.

Thanks to the NMSU-C Continuing Studies Program for distributing this list. Parenthetical comments [] are in the original. A previous semester is here.
chuckles 2002.05.18 link