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Maledicta in Middle Earth

Eurotrash informs us on how to tell people off in Elvish.

And some other language links:

The Linguist's Search Engine "permits linguists to do searches they could not easily do on Google or Altavista -- for example, searches involving syntactic structure, non-contiguous constructions, and the like".

The creeping (or is it galloping?) extension of the meaning of "terrorism".

Speech Accent Archive: Audio and IPA transcriptions of non-native English speakers reading a text in English. I'm not sure that it's very meaningful; many of the informants seem to be quite uncomfortable reading in English and surely that has some effect on the samples. A harder but perhaps more meaningful exercise would have been to engage them in conversation and collect data from more natural speech. There's also a page which might be more useful of 54 native English speakers from around the world, although even these informants show some formality in their pronunciation that probably wouldn't be there in spontaneous speech.

How IKEA names its products.

language 2004.01.23 link