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Probed by Subgenii, or is it the Pinks?

Attention I'm so glad that you're interested in my art page, but isn't 20 times in 16 hours a bit excessive? And why is it always via Alta Vista? Should I consider you friend or foe? Please state your intentions. Thanks.

Actually, Google turns up a probable explanation: Jamie Zawinski's WebCollage page, described here. If that's all that's behind these oddities in my log, then by all means be my guest. But why would a nice boy from the SF Bay Area be crawling the web from a DSL line in Austin?

WebCollage image

There's a similar application whose name excapes me which sniffs a local network and makes a collage of the images people are retrieving. I've heard about people using it live with interesting results during laptop-heavy conferences.

toys 2003.04.12 link