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Blue Genie Art Bazaar

Last weekend I caught the Blue Genie Art Bazaar and got to see work by several dozen local artists. Blue Genie is the commercial art studio responsible for a lot of the great signage in this town, both in two dimensions and in three. Last I knew their studio had been a landmark on South First Street, but some time while I wasn't paying attention they moved to a muddy lot behind Goodwill and Habitat at 916 Springdale in deep East Austin.

Blue Genie and Sam Hurt tiki

It was nice to finally visit Blue Genie's space and get a glimpse behind the scenes. The guest artists were varied, and while there was a bit of the usual humdrum kitsch you'd find at any crafts fair in Austin, most of the work was pretty interesting.

Champ Hood groupie girl by Lori Armendariz Brandon Petree lamps
Linda Sheets boxes Star Trek pillow by Judith Masliyah

A few notes on highlights, mostly for my own future reference (skewed toward knick-knacks rather than "art" art because that's what I can imagine affording someday): Baby Jane aka Stephanie Lindsey sets found images from old postcards into silver behind resin to make lovely jewelry. Brandon Petree (above, top right) does industrial nite-lite lamps, an idea I want to shamelessly steal. Jenifer Nakatsu Arntson does delicious wallets in vinyl. Judy Masliyah (above, bottom right) makes pillows out of retro pop-culture fabric scraps. Linda Sheets (above, bottom left) sets recycled images in delightful papier-mache boxes and refrigerator magnets, at very affordable prices (and she's a plumber and handygal too!). Lori Armendariz (above, top left) paints quirky portraits of her friends, here a tribute to a fellow Champ Hood groupie. Rhonda Kuhlman and Chris Ake do bottle-cap jewelry with inset icons (Frida, the Virgen, etc., but also some surprises). Paul Panamarenko does spare silk-screen collages with themes like guns and trucks. The usual suspects Sam Hurt, Guy Juke and Blue Genie's own Rory Skagen were represented as well.

Disco Queen mirrorshot

I got a mirrorshot in Blue Genie's famous Disco Queen, too.

art 2002.12.19 link