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Bathroom postcard gallery

My bathroom walls are now decorated with a sample of my postcard collection hung in cheap garage-sale frames.

I'm much happier with this interior decoration experiment than with others like the neutrino bathmat. I'm especially pleased with the frame I decorated to hold a postcard of Ronald Reagan my father sent me years ago.

Even this simple project wasn't without it mishaps, though. Not wanting to put holes in the walls I hung the frames with 3M Command velcro strips. They worked great, hung flat on the wall, let me easily shuffle the frames around, etc. -- until someone took a shower. Then the strips exposed to moisture peeled away from the wall and the frames came crashing down, usually in the middle of the night. So I've taken the frames near the shower down and will be rehanging them with a small nail to supplement each Command strip. I think I may also position the frames closer together for that 19th-century "wallpaper with art" gallery look.

art 2003.08.30 link