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College students say the darndest things

Doug Dinwiddie's latest list of bloopers from actual NMSU-C history exams:

Jesus began preaching after he left the monastery. Later on the Emperor Constantine moved Rome to Byzantium and called it Constantinople. Sometimes the monks had to take bows of chastity, and bows of poverty. They soon learned that Mohammad was a profit of Allah. Medieval ships were first made of wood, then later on of stone. [Is that why there aren't any more medieval sailors?] Charlemange was an important leader soon after that.

Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner at the Alamo. The War Hogs favored going to war with the British in 1812. The Monroe doctrine was actually written by Mrs. Monroe, and it said that the US wouldn't tolerate the presents of any foreign soldiers in America. Andrew Jackson fought at the battle of New Orlandas. He was later opposed by the political group known as the wigs. During that time it was known as the "era of a good feeling", or maybe it was the "feeling of good era". Thank goodness, by that time Robert Fulton had invented the steambolt. It's probably a good thing that most people didn't realize that Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun had killed Alexander Hamilton [I guess that gets Aaron Burr off the hook!]. Some of the Federalists had to give up on their political party, because they had ended up looking like traders. The typical Civil War soldier was 5 3/8 inches tall. The Confederate states included Vermont, Pennsylvania, and New York.

In more recent times, Martin Luther King became a mortar for his cause. Of course we Americans are guilty of putting ourselves on peddle stools. The Cuban missile crisis happened because Oliver North wanted to trade our hostages in Iran for missiles to give to Cuba to help them. The Tet Offensive was Japan's New Year, so everyone decided to take a few days off from fighting...that's when Japan attacked American embassies all over the world. Tet was actually the Jewish New Year. Lyndon Johnson pardoned Nixon for Watergate [a neat trick, since LBJ was deceased at the time!]. The Iran-Contra scandal occurred when Lebanese Communists took over our embassy in Iran, but they were released at the end of Reagan's term.

chuckles 2001.12.19 link